After the primary school, the Orientation level in year 5 follows. During the course of this year, the respective teachers will assess the pupils’ acquired proficiency level during the course of this year. Accordingly, the pupils will be assigned to three acknowledged German proficiency levels (“Hauptschule”, “Realschule” or “Gymnasium”). The change from one level / type of school to another remains possible depending on the child’s performance and the decision of the class conference (= the respective teachers have to decide on this issue). At the end of the 10th grade, the final examinations for the intermediate school certificate (Realschulabschluss or Ü11) take place.
In year 6 to 10, grammar-school teaching will be adjusted for pupils with “Hauptschul-level” or “Realschul-level”. French is compulsory for grammar-school pupils as a second foreign language. The pupils can acquire different degrees:
Homework supervision in the 6th lesson will take place if necessary.
Pupils with difficulties in the German language will receive special remedial education in the subject “German as a foreign language” (DaF) if possible. The pupil can also receive additional lessons in French, English or Arabic (for example the DELF offer of the Alliance Française).
The following subjects are taught as the pupils progress through the school:
The weekly hours also increase according to age. Afternoon activities are also available to the students.